Thursday 17 January 2008

Self presentation

Was the focus for mine and chloes virtuality and perfromance piece.
Our pratical production was called 'performance or fraud' which evolved from thinking about living in a performative society and how we are are foced to perfrom or else! are we frauding ourselves by perfroming and being someone else every day who are we really?
Our main influence was Erving Goffman who said that "In real life , the three parties (the player, the othercharacter and audience) are compressed into two; the part one individualplays is tailored to the parts played by the others present, and yet these other also consistute the audience"
He talks in this book the presentation of self in everyday life about how we present ourselves and how we interact with others depending on who we are with, what sitution we are in and what we are doing.

A little treat have a listen

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