Thursday 17 January 2008

Week Five: Virtuality and the performative society

This abstract from Baz Kershaw, really got me thinking about the people we are and the society we are living in, therefore I wanted to include it in my blog to make people think whether we are perfroming in our everyday lifes in order to survive.

Perform or else
Widespread changes in the processes of the social...are producing what I call the performative society. Performative societies in the contemporary world are found particularly where democracy and capitalism meet. In such societies performance has gained a new kind of potency because multi-party democracy weaves ideological content visibly into the very fabric of society. It follows that, especially in highly mediatised societies, the performative becomes a major element in the continuous negotiations of power and authority. So modern democracies may be described with some accuracy as performative democracies in order to indicate how fully they rely on various types of performances for the maintenance of their political processes and social structures. Moreover, late-capitalist liberal democracies reinforce this by making the market so central to social organsiation. Although the 'performance' of companies, firms, shares, employees, institutions etc may be measured in mundane material and statistical ways., the notion that they are players on an economic or industrial or civil 'stage' is always implied by the usage. Equally, how individuals fare in the competition between life-styles or the struggle for survivial depends increasingly on their ability to 'perform'. Hence late capitalist multi-party democracies produce societies in which performance pervades cultural process.

This then made me consider what actually is a worth while performance?

My opinion is that Drama and performing has literally taken over peoples lives who dont even want to act or perform- as a society I believe that we are now PERFORMITIVE as our industries have got more competitive due to people getting more degrees we have to make an extra mark and ehance our personalities even more so. This is seen on facebook - which has also become a sort of show- show casing who we are as individual (an almost cating - blog), we have to now have the ability to stand out of the crowd.With everyone from democrats to people everyday using sites like faceook as a way of performing it is diffcult to consitute a worth while performing. Art is often regraded as a reflection of life. So therefore; everything in life should be consituted as a worth while performance.However, as an actress I dont agree with this- I believe it should only constitued as a performance in the tradition sense set on a stage purposfully performing to an audience- who know you are PERFROMING!

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