Thursday 17 January 2008

conclusion on performance

By looking ata range of theatre practitioners and thetare group such as Forced entertainment and Elizabeth le compte it opened up our eyes to a worldd of perfromance we would create via the web and television, radio and media.

Our perfromance I feel was suceessful, eventhough our audience was small it still carried out what we wanted it to do be cause our project is personal it involves and asks people to question who they are and whther they are frauding themselves of not.

The feedback on the day we recieved was that they understood why we did our performance in the form we did, they felt utterly distracted by having so many things happening at once, this is how some of us feel about the virtual world, this is defintely how i felt about colliding theatre and the virtual. However i overcame and confronted this fear and confusion with both the module and the creating of our perfromance.

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