Thursday 17 January 2008

The project, filming , editing and design

We had divide up the roles of the project and had our ide and how we were going to form it so it was the fun bit now- actually creating and developing our piece.
Over our Christmas break I was to film me out with my friends and my family and when i returned back to Uni I filmed me in rehearsals, in class talking to peers of mixed gender - so that we had a wealth of material that chloe could look at, edit and pull together to make our perfromance or fraud video. Whilst she was working on the editing of the video i helped look for the audio with her on youtube so once again we had an unlimited chose to chose from so our peform could really communicate what we were trying to express about living in a performative society and feeling the pressure to perform.
Once that was over with I then created the slide show, whilst chloe photo copied and organised the live practical actvity of how many voices we have in our head we then came together and wrote our manifesto collaborative which you can read above.

This project has challenged me because i have never before interacted with media nad created such a piece where it is my ressponsiblity to film and deliever a range of material for it then to be structured and created into an visual watchable piece.

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